News from Statistics Canada
News releases from The Daily
- Economic and Social Reports, November 2023
- Canadian postsecondary enrolments and graduates 2021/2022
New products and studies
- Characteristics of postsecondary international students who did not enrol in publicly funded postsecondary education programs (36280001202301100001)
- Elementary to Postsecondary Student Education Dashboard: Enrolments, Graduations and Tuition Fees (71-607-X2022019)
- Key Trends in Elementary to Postsecondary Student Enrolments, Graduations and Tuition Fees (71-607-X2023024)
New data tables
- Postsecondary enrolments, by field of study, registration status, program type, credential type and gender (3710001101)
- Postsecondary graduates, by field of study, program type, credential type, and gender (3710001201)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by credential type, age group, registration status, program type and gender (3710001501)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by registration status, institution type, status of student in Canada and gender (3710001801)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary enrolments, by registration status, institution type, and status of student in Canada (3710001802)
- Postsecondary graduates, by institution type, status of student in Canada and gender (3710002001)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary graduates, by institution type and status of student in Canada (3710002002)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, program type and credential type (3710006901)
- Postsecondary graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education, program type and credential type (3710007001)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by status of student in Canada, country of citizenship and gender (3710008601)
- Postsecondary graduates, by credential type, age group, program type and gender (3710008701)
- Postsecondary graduates, by status of student in Canada, country of citizenship and gender (3710009001)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by field of study, International Standard Classification of Education, age group and gender (3710011201)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary enrolments, by field of study and International Standard Classification of Education (3710011202)
- Postsecondary graduates, by field of study, International Standard Classification of Education, age group and gender (3710013501)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary graduates, by field of study and International Standard Classification of Education (3710013502)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada, age group and gender (3710016301)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada and age group (3710016302)
- Proportion of Canadian and international student enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education (3710016303)
- Distribution of international student enrolments, by level of tertiary education (3710016304)
- Postsecondary graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada, age group and gender (3710016401)
- Proportion of male and female postsecondary graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution type, Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings, status of student in Canada and age group (3710016402)
- Proportion of Canadian and international student graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education (3710016403)
- Distribution of international student graduates, by level of tertiary education (3710016404)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by detailed field of study and International Standard Classification of Education (3710018201)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by detailed field of study (3710018202)
- Postsecondary graduates, by detailed field of study and International Standard Classification of Education (3710018301)
- Postsecondary graduates, by detailed field of study (3710018302)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by status of student in Canada, country of citizenship and Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings (3710018401)
- Postsecondary international student enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education and country of citizenship (3710018402)
- Postsecondary graduates, by status of student in Canada, country of citizenship and Classification of Instructional Programs, STEM and BHASE groupings (3710018501)
- Postsecondary international student graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education and country of citizenship (3710018502)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023201)
- College enrolments by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023202)
- University enrolments by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023203)
- Postsecondary graduates, by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023301)
- College graduates by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023302)
- University graduates by International Standard Classification of Education, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023303)
- Postsecondary enrolments, by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023401)
- College enrolments by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023402)
- University enrolments by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023403)
- Postsecondary graduates, by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023501)
- College graduates by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023502)
- University graduates by detailed field of study, institution, and program and student characteristics (3710023503)