Xiangying Huo & Clayton Smith. 2024. Interrogating Race and Racism in Postsecondary Language Classrooms

Huo, X., & Smith, C. (Eds.). (2024). Interrogating race and racism in postsecondary language classrooms. IGI-Global. https://www.igi-global.com/book/interrogating-race-racism-postsecondary-language/317142

This book, edited by Xiangying Huo and Clayton Smith, addresses issues of deep-rooted racism, linguicism, and neo-racism in language classrooms within higher education. With research-based chapters and various methodologies, the authors support educators, administrators, and policymakers in dismantling oppressive systems and foster racial justice and liberation. The book amplifies marginalized voices, emphasizes the importance of anti-racist and anti-colonial practices, and promotes meaningful change in language education.

“Interrogating Race and Racism in Postsecondary Language Classrooms” aims to transform language education in higher education institutions – promoting inclusivity, social justice, and equitable language learning. It has the potential to reshape language classrooms, address systemic barriers, and contribute to a more just and inclusive society that values all students’ diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.