NEWS: Online survey regarding Research Ethics Review experiences and perceptions

Dear Canadian Society for the Study of Education Members,

We hope this email finds you well.

We are inviting you to participate in a 10-minute online survey for a research project titled, “Impact of Research Ethics Review on research design, teaching and learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities.”

There are many stories suggesting that concerns about real and perceived challenges in the research ethics process has affected scholars’ willingness to undertake research, including minimum risk research and the design of their projects, shaped the advice they provide students about graduate research projects, and limited student experiential learning opportunities in undertaking research. We wish to go beyond anecdote to get an empirical overview of the extent to which these concerns are common across the Social Sciences and Humanities. We seek to document and understand potential systemic impacts on Canadian research, teaching and learning.

To learn more, please go to our survey landing page to read the informed Consent Letter and, if you are willing, to begin the survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you are free to skip any questions.

The deadline to complete this survey is April 30th, 2024.

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance from the Wilfrid Laurier University Research Ethics Board (Approval 8793). Please contact Kelly Gallagher-Mackay ( if you have further questions. For information regarding your rights as a participant, you may also contact the Wilfrid Laurier Ethics Review Office at 548.889.3518 or

Thank you very much in advance,

Dr. Kelly Gallagher-Mackay, Associate Professor, Law and Society, Wilfrid Laurier University

Dr. Karen L. Robson, Associate Professor of Sociology, McMaster University

Wilfrid Laurier University is situated on the Haldimand Tract, land promised to Six Nations, which includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. It is part of the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishnawbe, and Neutral peoples.