NEWS: Eurydice Today – 16 April 2024

Eurydice Today – 16 April 2024

Learning for sustainability in Europe: Building competences and supporting teachers and schools
Over the past two decades, there has been a growing recognition of education’s crucial role in transforming society towards sustainability, equity, and social justice. Educational institutions are considered vital agents in tackling the sustainability challenges faced by societies, as they play a key role in developing competences through teaching and learning.

To effectively prepare learners to address the green transition and promote a sustainable future, it is essential to integrate sustainability competences holistically into the curriculum and provide teachers and school leaders with proper training and guidance.

How is this put into practice in European education systems? Eurydice’s latest report focuses on this aspect. The report explores primary and general secondary education across 39 European education systems and examines approaches to learning for sustainability for students and teachers, and the support offered to schools.

