Eurydice Today – 30 April 2024
Validation of non-formal and informal learning in higher education in Europe
Knowledge and skills are commonly developed in structured programmes taking place in education and training institutions. Such programmes usually lead to a certificate or qualification validating the competences acquired. However, it is important to recognise that learning also occurs outside of education and training institutions, for example at workplaces or within non-professional activities of individuals.
The EU supports actions to recognise and valorise different types of learning, including non-formal and informal learning. The idea behind this is that the validation of knowledge and skills acquired in different learning contexts can enhance people’s aspirations for further learning and/or increase their chances on the labour market.
Eurydice’s newest report explores opportunities for the validation of non-formal and informal learning in 37 higher education systems across Europe. The report looks at whether the validation of non-formal and informal learning allows accessing higher education study programmes and to what extent it can contribute to fulfilling higher education study requirements. The report also examines the types of learning activity that can be validated and the quality assurance mechanisms underpinning validation practice.