NEWS: Webinar of the WERA Task Force Global Research in Extended Education

Webinar of the WERA Task Force Global Research in Extended Education
“Children’s Perspectives in Swedish School-Age Educare”
Presenters: Assoc Professor Karin Lager (Göteborg University), Assoc Professor Lina Lago (Linköping University), Senior Assoc Professor Helene Elvstrand (Linköping University)

Date: June 11, 2024

(1 hour, at 3 p.m. UK time)

On behalf of the members of the WERA Task Force Global Research in Extended Education, we would like to extend our invitation to you to join the upcoming webinar on “Children’s Perspectives in Swedish School-Age Educare”.

This symposium focuses on how pupils themselves experience their everyday life in school-age educare centres. The presentation is based on several different data materials (Lager, 2020) and Elvstrand & Lago (forthcoming) where interviews with pupils have taken place and where we have tried to find common threads between the various individual studies. The results reveal important values about what pupils themselves see as meaningful and important to them in their everyday lives, as well as what expectations they have of the type of activities they will encounter in the school-age educare. In Sweden, the last decade has seen policy changes in school-age educare, where quality issues in various ways have been in focus. In this presentation, we also want to contribute to raising questions about what can be seen as quality if we start by listening to pupils and taking their voices seriously.

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