NEWS: Transformative Change through Educational Leadership Virtual Book Launch

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to Canadian Society for the Study of Education to invite you and your membership to an upcoming virtual book launch celebrating the publication of Transformative Change through Educational Leadership: Stories, Models, and Wonderings, edited by Kenneth H. MacKinnon, on November 28, 2024 from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm EST. Zoom registration information can be found here.


Transformative Change through Educational Leadership explores educational leadership with an emphasis on social justice. This text invites those in positions of leadership to re-imagine institutional standards, responsibilities, and leadership methodology through an equity-focused, anti-oppressive, and anti-colonial lens. To learn more, click here.


If you have any questions about this event, please don’t hesitate to reach out and I would be happy to provide more information.


Warm regards,
Liana Ramos


Liana Ramos (she/her)

Marketing Coordinator

Canadian Scholars | Women’s Press

Address: 180 Bloor Street West, Suite 1401, Toronto, ON, M5S 2V6

Liana Ramos <>