NEWS: Kickoff: WERA-IRN Inclusive Excellence and Bienvivance from School to Work

On behalf of the WERA IRN ‘Inclusive Excellence and Bienvivance from School to Work’, we are pleased to invite you to the network’s kickoff.
🗓️ Dec 11, 5-6:30 PM CET (Paris)
🌍 Join the kickoff to learn more about fostering emotional capital & unlocking potential for inclusive excellence for people and organizations.
This network is addressed to all entities interested in developing emotional capital (personal and social emotional competencies) to unlock entities’ (from people to organization) potential by inner entities development for outer changes and transformation: Toward zero waste of human resource and inclusive excellence.
To register:


This network is under the aegis of IDGs and WERA, Karanga (The Global Alliance for Social Emotional Learning- and European Forum of Vocational Education and Training ( .