

Even More

If you could start your academic career over again, what would you do differently? I am now near the end of my academic career. I began a tenure-track position in the Department of Language Education at the University of British Columbia on July 1, 1990. I am sixty-four years old, and I might continue at…

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Oral History Education, Public Schooling, and Social Justice: Troubling Cultures of Reconciliation

By Nicholas Ng-A-Fook (ed.) and Kristina Llewellyn (ed.) Forthcoming The interdisciplinary group of scholars in this book address issues of social justice in a global context by drawing on oral history as a form of consciousness―not just a method or approach to overcoming historical marginalizations. They show the special role oral history plays in cultivating…

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Scripting Feminist Ethics in Teacher Education

by Michelle Forrest and Linda Wheeldon University of Ottawa Press Available October 8, 2019 Paper ISBN: 9780776628110 To order: https://press.uottawa.ca/scripting-feminist-ethics-in-teacher-education.html In an intriguing and original style, these authors offer a rich resource for understanding the history, process, and value of feminist consciousness-raising for teacher-educators and feminist teachers. Critical incidents in today’s classrooms involving values relativism,…

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A Class by Themselves?: The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond

By Jason Ellis University of Toronto Press ISBN 9781442628717 To order: https://utorontopress.com/ca/a-class-by-themselves-2 In A Class by Themselves?, Jason Ellis provides an erudite and balanced history of special needs education, an early twentieth century educational innovation that continues to polarize school communities across Canada, the United States, and beyond. Ellis situates the evolution of this educational…

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What Does a Journal Editor Do?

Danielle Lorenz For a lot of folks in academia, the work and lives of journal editors are a bit of a mystery. This is certainly true of graduate students, who are usually new to publishing, but may also apply to established academics. I cannot speak to every academic publication, but there are some generalities that…

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Mentorship in Publishing: A Case for the Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes chercheures et chercheurs en éducation (CJNSE/RCJCÉ)

Writing is hard: it a complicated and complex process that many of us grapple with, especially when writing theses and dissertations. For some, the issue is acquiring the ability to turn thoughts into words, for others it is struggling to overcome writer’s block, and for others still it is finding the time to engage in…

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