
Member Book

Catherine M. Hands. 2023. Pathways to Community Engagement in Education.

Hands, C. M. (2023). Pathways to Community Engagement in Education: Collaboration in Diverse, Urban Neighbourhoods. Palgrave McMillan. This book takes a comprehensive look at community engagement strategies in education to demonstrate the diverse nature of school-community relations and their value to promote their effective development. The author brings twenty years of experience in various…

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Xiangying Huo & Clayton Smith. 2024. Interrogating Race and Racism in Postsecondary Language Classrooms

Huo, X., & Smith, C. (Eds.). (2024). Interrogating race and racism in postsecondary language classrooms. IGI-Global. This book, edited by Xiangying Huo and Clayton Smith, addresses issues of deep-rooted racism, linguicism, and neo-racism in language classrooms within higher education. With research-based chapters and various methodologies, the authors support educators, administrators, and policymakers in dismantling…

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Nancy Matthews. 2024. The Role of Leaders in Educational Decision-Making

Matthews, N. H. (2024). The Role of Leaders in Educational Decision-Making: Examining Implementation Factors and Providing a Newfound Model. Routledge. This book presents insights into the experiences and perspectives of educators in formal positions of leadership involved in decision-making processes in an education system. Drawing on qualitative research conducted in the New Brunswick education…

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A Framework for Teaching Music Online in Higher Education cover
Carol Johnson. 2022. A Framework for Teaching Music Online in Higher Education.

Johnson, C. (2022). A Framework for Teaching Music Online in Higher Education. Bloomsbury. A Framework for Teaching Music Online defines the current online learning landscape of music in higher education and then presents a cyclical teaching framework that describes how to practically develop an online music course. Each part of the framework takes the reader…

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Catherine Vanner et al. (Eds.). 2022. Teaching Peace and Conflict

Catherine Vanner, Spogmai Akseer, Thursica Kovinthan Levi. (Eds.) (2022). Teaching Peace and Conflict: The Multiple Roles of School Textbooks in Peacebuilding. Springer Cham. This book illustrates the multiple roles of textbooks as victim, transformer, and accomplice to conflict by introducing the Intersecting Roles of Education in Conflict (IREC) framework for use in the…

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Willingham, Lee. (Ed.) (2021). Community Music at the Boundaries.

Willingham, Lee. (Ed.) (2021). Community Music at the Boundaries. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. ISBN 9781771124577. Community Music at the Boundaries explores music and music-making on those edges. “The real power of community music,” writes Roger Mantie in the foreword, “lies not in the fiction of trying to eliminate boundaries (or pretending they don’t exist),…

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Wright, Ruth, G. Johansen, P.A. Kanellopoulos & P. Schmidt. (Eds.) (2021). The Routledge Handbook to Sociology of Music Education

The Routledge Handbook to Sociology of Music Education. Toronto: Routledge. ISBN 9781138586369. The Routledge Handbook to Sociology of Music Education is a comprehensive, authoritative and state-of-the-art review of current research in the field. The opening introduction orients the reader to the field, highlights recent developments, and draws together concepts and research methods to be covered.…

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Leadership and management in learning organizations – Smith, C., Babich, C., & Lubrick, M.

Smith, C., Babich, C., & Lubrick, M. (2020). Leadership and management in learning organizations. Toronto, ON: eCampusOntario. Leadership and Management in Learning Organizations is a comprehensive, online, open education resource available for students, educators, and administrators who would like to learn more about leadership and management within learning organizations.  

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Teaching Global Citizenship: A Canadian Perspective – Edited by Lloyd Kornelsen, Geraldine Balzer, Karen M. Magro

Teaching Global Citizenship: A Canadian Perspective Edited by Lloyd Kornelsen, Geraldine Balzer, Karen M. Magro Bringing together perspectives from former and current teachers from across Canada to tackle the unique challenges surrounding educating for global awareness, Teaching Global Citizenship discusses strategies for encouraging young people to cultivate a sense of agency and global responsibility. Reflecting on the educator’s…

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