

Veille scientifique du CRIFPE No. 168, 7 février 2018

Veille scientifique du CRIFPE No. 168, 7 février 2018 Livres – Bacha, J., Ben Abid-Zarrouk, S., Kadi-Ksouri, L. & Mabrour, A. (2018). TIC et innovation pédagogique dans les universités du Maghreb. Paris, France : L’Harmattan. – Barnabé, C. & Toussaint, P. (2018). L’administration de l’éducation, 2e édition. Une perspective historique. Québec, Québec : Presses de…

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CJNSE seeking submissions for a theme issue, “Pedagogies of Resistance”

The Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education (CJNSE/RCJCÉ), a bilingual, online, open access, non-blind, peer-reviewed journal provides a way for Canadian graduate students to disseminate their work to a greater audience, while also being mentored by other graduate students and faculty through the publication process. CJNSE is currently seeking submissions for our theme issue, “Pedagogies…

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The Canadian Institute for Digital Literacies Learning

Dear CSSE Members, Please share the message below with K-12 educators who might be interested. Join us this summer at the University of Ottawa for an exciting K-12 professional development opportunity for teachers. The Canadian Institute for Digital Literacies Learning at the Faculty of Education will take place from July 10-14, 2017. Themes include: Developing…

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News from StatsCan 20170329

News from Statistics Canada News releases: Completing an apprenticeship in Canada yields benefits Education Indicators in Canada

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Humanities in the 21st Century

The Jackman Humanities Institute, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, and the Centre for the Study of Canadian and International Higher Education at the University of Toronto will be hosting a conference on “Humanities in the 21st Century: The Research University in the World” on June 5-6, 2017. This is a free conference that…

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