

CSSE 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Ting Du

The theme of Congress 2023 is Reckonings and Re-imaginings which precisely captures the trend of reflection and reasoning prospect in the academia as the unprecedented global pandemic eventually came to an end. This year’s convention is the first in-person gathering in the last 3 years, which is rather exuberant and rife with dynamic. In the…

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CSSE 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Chunlei Liu

International Student Experiences: Navigating Challenges and Celebrating Diversity at CSSE The recent CSSE conference held on May 28, 2023, brought together a diverse group of presenters and attendees to discuss the experiences of international students. The sessions highlighted the various factors that impact international students, including personal characteristics, national context, and institutional climate. This blog…

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CSSE 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Cris Delatado Barabas

Some conference networking tips from my CSSE-SCÉÉ experience Big conferences such as the Canadian Society for the Study of Education’s annual event can be overwhelming and intimidating especially for graduate students who are still novice in the complex and sometimes exhausting arena of conferencing. Trust me, conferences are ecologies of their own. Attending conferences nowadays…

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CSSE 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Nova Heartland

CSSE took part in Congress 2023 Reckonings and Re-imaginings, which reconnected Canadian educational professionals and practitioners for an in-person event, which took place at York University in Toronto, Ontario. The conference provided delegates with a space to reckon with pressing educational topics and issues within the Canadian research and teaching communities, and helped delegates reimagine…

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CSSE 2023 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Christine Corso

Identity-based data collection in Ontario CSSE 2023 allowed education researchers from across Canada to come together and share ideas and new insights on topics ranging from new insights into the philosophy of education to research about of student experience to tracking the distribution of education opportunities and more. While international and comparative studies are an…

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CSSE 2022 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Christine Corso

Gender-based violence in Canadian schools Gender is not the focus of my research, but gender-based violence was (surprisingly, to me) raised as an issue by some female high school students who were participating in my doctoral fieldwork. During CSSE, I took the opportunity to attend some sessions that centred feminism and gender-based violence to help…

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CSSE 2022 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Bernadine Sengalrayan

Transitions. The process of change from one form to another. A period of adjustment, transformation, and growth. As we cautiously emerge from the global pandemic, conscious of the pains and challenges of the past two years and begin to venture out and test the waters of our new normal, Congress 2022’s theme of Transitions is…

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CSSE 2022 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Christie Petersen

This year I participated as an attendee and presenter for the 2022 Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Conference that was held virtually. Attending academic conferences has been an integral part of my graduate student experience throughout my master’s degree program and into my current PhD program. My advisor at the University of…

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CSSE 2022 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Thu Le

This is the first time I have attended and presented at CSSE. I had a great experience during seven days of the conference under different roles. Prior to CSSE, I have attended different international conferences but not an online one, so I was curious how it works, how people organize it with the help of…

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CSSE 2022 Knowledge Mobilization Team – Jasmine Pham

The annual CSSE Conference took place online via the Forj platform from May 14th to May 20th this year. As a member of the knowledge mobilization team, I attended various sessions over the course of the week and learned a lot from those who presented while doing so. As a first year PhD student with…

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