1 For registration purposes, Un(der)employed refers to delegates who are under the age of 55 who are either currently unemployed (no income), under-employed, or in temporary unemployment.
2 For registration purposes, “Educators” refers to delegates working outside of postsecondary research spaces whose presence enriches CSSE’s activities. This includes, but is not limited to: artists and other performers; teachers and other educators; K-12 students, children, and youth; as well as members of civil society organizations, non-government organizations, charitable organizations, and not-for-profit organizations.
3 For registration purposes, “equity-deserving group” includes, but is not limited to: women; First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples; visible/racialized minorities; persons with disabilities; members of LGBTQ2S+ groups; Francophone members; international students; low-socioeconomic status (SES); and unfunded graduate students.
The CSSE portion of registration fees have been waived for all graduate students who self-identify as members of equity deserving groups. If you identify as a member of an equity-deserving group and are a current graduate student, please register via the Congress website at
If you are a graduate student who self-identifies as a member of an equity-deserving group, and you have already registered for the conference, please also email Michael Holden, Conference Manager, at so that we can help in the process of Congress issuing you a refund for the CSSE portion of your registration fees for this year.
4 All registration fees have been waived for Black and Indigenous graduate students, and for Black and Indigenous invited community speakers. If you identify as a Black or Indigenous graduate student, or are an Elder, Knowledge Keeper, or similar community member, please register via the Congress website at
If you are a Black or Indigenous graduate student and you have already registered for the conference, please also email Michael Holden, Conference Manager, at so that we can help in the process of Congress issuing you a full refund for your CSSE and Congress registration fees for this year.
5 The Community Pass provides delegates with access to Open Events within the broader CSSE and Congress programme. Each year, CSSE’s conference includes multiple Open Events, which will be accessible to fully-registered delegates as well as delegates only registering for the Community Pass. Community Pass registration is available via the Congress website beginning April 1. If you are not sure whether the event(s) you wish to attend are tagged as Open Events, please consult the latest version of the conference programme or email Michael Holden, Conference Manager, at
If you are presenting at CSSE, then you must register for CSSE and Congress using the appropriate track from the list above (e.g., Full Member, Student, etc.). The Community Pass is only available for delegates who are not presenting, as its purpose is to increase access for attendees and members of the community who would not otherwise attend the conference.
6 CSSE conference registration DOES NOT include CSSE membership. You can renew or submit your CSSE membership at CSSE conference registration DOES allow access to the CSSHE (Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education), and OTESSA (Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association) conference sessions.